Let Your Subgrid Dataset PCF Communicate with the Form

The changes inside a dataset PCF used on a subgrid might influence the other information showed on the Model-Driven Apps Forms. It could influence a counter on a form, or another subgrid which happens to show the same records. Then you need to refresh that controls. But using the Xrm object inside a PCF is... Continue Reading →

Drag and Drop Rows in Power Apps Grid

Please note that this solution contains a part which is not supported by the platform right now, so it shouldn't be used in production yet. If this eventually gets documented in the future (so if it will be supported), I'll update the blog. The requirement Lately I was asked if it's possible to implement a... Continue Reading →

Power Apps Grid Control – First Glimpse to the Cell Renderer and Editors

We've saw the Power Apps grid control (Preview) in the latest Wave Announcements. Each time we hear about great improvements. In Release Wave 1/2022 we've got inline-editing and infinite scrolling. But as we've tried it out, we saw the last parameter which sounded really promising: The description of the parameter was really exciting: Full logical... Continue Reading →

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